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My Story

What is the book about?

Sprinklr gave me a seat on the table, and I was blessed with an ultra-growth trajectory early on in my career. However, a lot of the lessons came the hard way and thankfully, in time. That led me to start reflecting upon internal and external high-stake scenarios.

On reflection, it dawned on me that Designers and Executives both want the same, but there is no bridge between the two perspectives. Both the sides find themselves amidst a bundle or aspirations and accountabilities. However, only a few of them succeed at making experiences the world loves.

This is an account of personal reflections around mistakes you should make early on so that you can avoid missing the bullseye. It also records efforts that designers and leaders can make to be more successful respectively.

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Who should read it?

Product Leaders
As a leader, you're expected to have all the answers, all the time. This book is for you if you have struggled rallying teams behind outcomes that are at best ambiguous every now and then.

Individual Contributors
Most contributors misinterpret the power of compounding. This book is for you if your efforts and outcomes are not yet blitz-scaling your career. Learn how to get noticed.

A perspective to help you in getting the right things done and a lens on how your team hears you. This book is for you if usability and product design have been your Achilles heel.

How to get early access?

Share your email, and you are on the priority waitlist! Going ahead, once in a while, you will also get a new email either around progress, early pricing and posts diving deeper into topics related to the book. I respect inboxes. No spams or third-party promotions, guaranteed.

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Toy Face Credit @amritpaldesign